Spinal compression fracture is common for them who have sustained road accident , fall from height , Bone osteoporosis which can be age related or metabolic disorder , heavy weight lifting or domestic fall. These compression fracture cause localised ( at particular spine area ) backache without any paralysis . Backache may persist for longer time due to bone fracture. Body gravitational weight goes from head to feet by bone and muscle will provide movement. Due to this every time when parson stand or sit will have severe back pain. Even more fracture itself every time crack when person sit or stand and so there is increase in spine natural curvature which we call kyphosis and scoliosis deformity.

This condition is curable by injecting bone cement at the fractured bone by needle and it will help in relieving pain and stop increasing kyphosis or scoliosis deformity. This minor Procedure will also help to prevent serious spine problem in future like paralysis.

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